Systematic Theology Project

The Church of God International has produced this Systematic Theology Project (STP) to reflect its doctrines, beliefs, practices, and traditions.

Within the Church, the systematic theology establishes a coherent and consistent reference for the ministry and lay membership. As such, it promotes unity among the ministry and further understanding among the members. As a formal record of the Church’s beliefs and teachings, the systematic theology provides an official source of public information about the doctrines of the Church of God International.

Section 1: 

Primary Doctrines: God, The Father, Bible, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Mankind, Angelic Realm

Section 2: 

Salvation: Salvation, Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Laying on of Hands

Section 3: 

Kingdom of God: Kingdom of God, Resurrections, Prophecy, Gospel, Judgment

Section 4: 

Law of God: Law of God, Biblical Covenants, Ten Commandments, Sabbath, Annual Holy Days, Tithing and Giving, Biblical Dietary Laws, The Hebrew Calendar, Sin

Section 5: 

The Christian: The Christian, The Christian’s Relationship with God, The Christian’s Relationship with Fellow Man, The Christian Family, Healing

Section 6: 

The Church of God: The Church of God, Ministry of the Church, Fellowship of the Brethren

Section 7: 

Traditional Christian Doctrines: Statements on almost thirty traditional doctrines, such as immortal soul, heaven, hell, trinity, Sunday, Christmas, Easter, rapture, etc., presenting the theological viewpoint of the Church of God International.